Select [Free talk]

1. This is a free talk board where you can freely lea... 976 view 3 res Free talk 2021/06/29 09:48
This forum is for free talk, so you can write anything you want.
( However, offensive material is not allowed ).
2. This is a free talk forum. Please comment !. 2k view 2 res Free talk 2021/06/04 08:52
Since you are here, please leave something. Talking to yourself is fine.
3. Feel free to leave comments. 1k view 1 res Free talk 2021/06/03 12:13
I have set up a topic where you can freely leave your own comments.
Feel free to comment on anything that comes to mind ~.
4. This is a free talk forum. Any topic is fine !. 1k view 2 res Free talk 2021/06/03 12:06
I have set up a topic for a topic-free bulletin board.
Please feel free to write anything ! You are also welcome to write about yourself !.
5. LS北見について。 3k view 5 res Free talk 2018/06/19 07:10
カナダのHumpty's Curling championshipに出場中のLS北見が、吉田夕梨花選手がケガで出場していないということですが、不確かで断片的な情報しか入ってきません。the official site of the pinty's grand slam of curlingもチェックしていますが、見つからない・・・
6. ぜひ一度は訪れたい場所 3k view 2 res Free talk 2014/08/18 20:25


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