Upcoming Performing Arts in Auburn
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/04/17
- 发布日 : 2024/04/17
- 更改日期 : 2024/04/17
- 总浏览次数 : 153 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- MOM在怀孕、分娩、育儿、母乳喂养按摩和医疗方面为您提供支持。
+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
- 一个代表大温哥华地区日裔加拿大人社区的非营利组织。
GVJCCA致力于保护人们的人权,特别是日裔加拿大人社区!我们的杂志,"The Bulletin"报道我们的想法。我们欢迎任何想加入我们的志愿者!我们期待着你的消息!。
+1 (604) 777-5222Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association
- 40 多年来,我们一直为日裔加拿大人社区提供服务。我们为老年人提供项目并培训志愿...
它是一家私人非营利性福利机构,为老年人提供一系列社会服务和文化娱乐活动。Tonari Gumi 以志愿服务精神为基础,为人们创造一个互相帮助、加深友谊的场所。它的目标是成为日经社区中一个像家一样安全的地方。
+1 (604) 687-2172Japanese Community Volunteers Association
- 萨克拉门托日本人网络(Sumire Kai)是加州首府萨克拉门托唯一支持日本移民...
它成立于1991年,是亚洲社区中心的一个子组织,于2008年独立,现在是一个联邦承认的非营利组织。它是第501(c)/(04)/(04)条,2016年是其成立25周年。 支持居住在广泛地区的日本人(,包括北部的Roseville / Lincoln市,东部的Folsom市,南部的Lodi市和西部的Davis市 ) 美国公民,永久居民,国际学生和商务旅行者的家庭 / 定期会议 / 讲座 / 公告 ...
+1 (916) 296-5619Sacramento Japanese Network すみれ会
- 我们是一个支持同性恋者的非营利组织 ! 我们,温哥华骄傲组织,成立于 1978 ...
这是一个支持同性恋者的非营利性组织。每年八月举办的 "温哥华骄傲节"(Vancouver Pride Festival")吸引了众多游客的关注,也得到了许多企业的支持!
+1 (604) 687-0955Vancouver Pride
- 对日本的国际快递服务,商业运输的采购,落货・转发服务,从日本到加拿大的运输,等等...
如果你的行李箱放不下,我们可以把它送到你在日本的家里 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo是为返回日本的客户提供的便利服务 ! 如果你在加拿大逗留期间行李增加,你考虑运送你的行李 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo使你的行李运送变得简单。OCS Otegaru Homecoming Service是一种简单的运送行李的方式。OCS将免费在您的家中取走您的行李,并将...
+1 (604) 247-2141OCS Canada
- 新学期从二月开始 ! 请注意 : 底特律地区没有校舍。SAPIX USA 是一所...
您可以在美国 ! 纽约学校 ・ 新泽西学校 ・ 曼哈顿学校可以在线上课。 由于时差,你也可以在圣何塞上课。 请注意 : 底特律地区没有学校。有纽约学校和其他在线课程。 电话号码是纽约学校的。有关信息请联系纽约学校。 招收新生。提供免费试听课程和免费学习辅导。 还提供季节性课程和入学考试预备课程 ! 新学年 ・ 新学年从 2 月 4 日 ( 星期二 ) 开始上课。 如果您想去日...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- HIS 在全球拥有 440 个办事处,为客户提供精彩刺激的旅行 ! 我们不仅提供...
从加拿大到包括日本在内的世界各地,让我们更加享受世界吧 廉价机票、各城市酒店、JR PASS、加拿大国内外包价旅游、自选旅游等 我就知道 ・ I ・ S ! 我们提供广泛的旅行服务,包括廉价机票、飞往亚洲、欧洲和美国各城市的机票、JR 通票、日本国内航空通票、各城市的酒店、加拿大和国外的包价旅游和自费旅游等。 日语 ・ 工作人员很乐意用英语为您提供帮助。 H.I.S. Canada ...
+1 (604) 685-3524H.I.S. Canada Inc.
- 我们是一家在萨克拉门托拥有超过28年经验的护理院。我们主要关心的是日本人、日裔美...
房间是完全私人的,并且有美丽的日光 ! 膳食也提供日本食品。 我们以合理的价格支持你和你的家人的退休生活。来吧,在萨克拉门托与我们一起度过您的退休生活。
American River Care Home
April 2024 BRAVO
The BRAVO Performing Arts Season presents an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of the BRAVO Performing Arts Season.
Performances are held in various venues around Auburn, including the Auburn Performing Arts Center at Auburn High School, the Auburn Community & Event Center or Les Gove Gymnasium located in Les Gove Park, Cascade Hall located at Green River College, and Bogey’s Banquet Room at Auburn Golf Course. Additionally, Auburn's new Postmark Center for the Arts [ ] is featured as a venue this season, with several small-scale musical performances.
Full Season Line-up & Ticket information
at [ ]
Zan Fiskam
Friday, April 19 | 7:30 PM
*Zan Fiskum [ ]
*Postmark Center for the Arts,
20 Auburn Ave.
Zan Fiskum’s angelic voice soars over her soulful and ethereal storytelling. Reminiscent of artists Lana Del Ray and Brandi Carlile, she blends the lines between indie/pop and americana/folk as she writes about childhood trauma, the intricacies of family dynamics, connection to the natural world as well as a fan-favorite: love. Zan’s newest album “Forbidden Art” showcases Zan’s range and beautifully exposes her maturity not only as a songwriter and vocalist but also as an individual as she conveys the stories of her life with resilience and grit. While staying true to her folk/pop songwriting she incorporates sounds of soul, dream pop, world percussion and indie rock into her music. She is sure to captivate both fans and artists for years to come. Tickets: $20/$17
comedy at the course2
Saturday, April 20 | 7:30 PM
*April Comedy at the Course [ ]
*Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
Comedy at the Course will keep you laughing all night long as three comedians work to twist your funny bone. Ages 18 and over only.
Tickets: $20/$17
Saturday, April 27 | 7:30 PM
*Yesterday Once More [ ]
A Tribute to Songstresses of the 1970s [ ]
*Green River College - Student Affairs Building, 12401 SE 320th St.
“Yesterday Once More” brings you groovy songs of the 1970s originally made hits by THE CARPENTERS, ANNE MURRAY, LINDA RONSTADT, and OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN! Treat yourself to a full “lite rock” experience with piano, sax, violin, flute, and full band! If you miss the simpler times as much as we do, then put on your bell bottom jeans - let’s roll back the clock and get ready to bring back the good stuff you haven’t heard in Far. Too. Long! Tickets: $23/$20
BRAVO_Little Mermaid
Saturday, May 4 | 2:00 PM
*BRAVO KIDS: Little Mermaid [ ]
*Les Gove Gymnasium, 910 9th Street SE
Life underwater isn’t easy for Sirena, a little mermaid who dreams of running and dancing. In StoryBook theater’s production of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic, the audience decides whether Sirena should keep her legs or high-tail it back to the sea. StoryBook Theater’s musicals are 55-mins geared to ages 3-10. Based on familiar fairy tales, each show focuses on a life lesson and has a happy ending. With catchy songs and clever stories, Little Mermaid is fun for the whole family! Tickets: $12
Champagne Sunday
Friday, May 10 | 7:30 PM
*Champagne Sunday [ ]
*Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave.
Husband and wife Jessi and Jared Fredeen tear up stages and crowds nationwide with their unique upbeat, roller coaster style shows. They fire off gypsy-punk rock songs alongside everything from intimate tear-jerkers to anthemic foot-stompers, and pepper their sets with compelling stories behind their music. Champagne Sunday is a rare original act that performs with stadium-level energy, regardless of whether it’s for a festival crowd, a club, a or group of coffee shop patrons. With a show that packs the power of an entire orchestra, Jessi and Jared have created a sound that is totally unique, fun, emotional, and captivating. This act has a ton of showmanship, heart, and talent that make it a powerful musical experience. Tickets: $20/$17
For a full listing of shows and to purchase tickets, call Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043, Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., or order online for print-at-home tickets at * [ ]*. All tickets subject to $1.00 processing fee.
Full Season Line-up at [ ]
* Friday, April 19 | *Zan Fiskum [ ] |* 7:30pm*
*Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.
Friday, May 10 | *Champagne Sunday [ ]* | 7:30pm
Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.
* Saturday, April 6 | *Whiskey River - Lynyrd Skynrd Tribute [ ] | *7:30pm
Green River College - Student Affairs Building, 12401 SE 320th St.
Saturday, April 13 | *Kalimba - The Spirt of Earth Wind & Fire [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Performing Arts Center, 702 4th St. NE
Saturday, April 27 | *Yesterday Once More - A Tribute to Songstresses of the 1970s [ ] | *7:30pm
Green River College - Student Affairs Building, 12401 SE 320th St.
* Saturday, April 20 | *April Comedy at the Course [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
Saturday, May 11 | *May Comedy at the Course [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
* Saturday, May 4 | *BRAVO KIDS: Little Mermaid [ ] | *2:00pm
Les Gove Gymnasium, 910 9th Street SE
July 26 & 27 at 7:00pm & July 27 & 28 at 2:00pm
*Auburn Community Junior Players: Finding Nemo Jr. [ ]
*Auburn Riverside Theater, 501 Oravetz Rd. SE
* July 26 & 27 at 7:00pm & July 27 & 28 at 2:00pm
*Auburn Community Junior Players: Finding Nemo Jr. [ ]
*Auburn Riverside Theater, 501 Oravetz Rd. SE
Full Season Line-up at [ ]
For a full listing of shows and to purchase tickets, call Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043, Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., or order online for print-at-home tickets at * [ ]*. All tickets subject to $1.00 processing fee.
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