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Here comes Peter Cotton Trail! 🐰

Peter Cotton Trail Header [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529890 ]


Peter Cotton Trail Photo

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail….actually hundreds of cute little bunnies will be hidden throughout various parks and trails in Auburn from March 29- April 1 for the Peter Cotton Trail event, which will be held Easter weekend.

Grab your peeps and hop around Auburn in search of these elusive bunnies. Find ten bunnies for your chance to win one of *50+ prizes (valued up to $100!)*. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=19938664&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2024-03-29T08:00&localEndDate=2024-03-29T20:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogNvoHx0PI9O1Dd6Oijv0JSs%3d ] You'll have a hippity-hoppity good time participating in this four-day scavenger hunt! This is a safe and FREE event for all ages and all ability levels looking for an opportunity to get outside and get active in an outdoor setting.


Peter Cotton Trail Bunny Scorecard

Print the Bunny Scorecard [ https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:c18c73d9-650c-4eac-a25e-acaae0ceaad9 ] (PDF),  if you wish, or bring something on your search to track your bunnies such as a notepad and pen, smartphone or tablet. Note: you do *NOT* need to email scorecards. Printed scorecards (for tracking purposes only) will also be available, beginning March 25 during normal business hours at: 

* Auburn Community & Event Center, 910 Ninth Street SE, "available 24/7 in a pamphlet holder March 25 to April 1"
* Auburn Grocery Outlet [ https://www.facebook.com/AuburnGroceryOutlet ], 102 Cross Street
* Red Canoe Credit Union [ https://www.redcanoecu.com/ ], 1620 Lake Tapps Pkwy E, #101
* Haggen Food & Pharmacy [ https://www.haggen.com/ ], 1406 Lake Tapps Pkwy E
* White River Valley Museum [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/the-museum ], 918 H Street SE
* Downtown Auburn Cooperative [ https://downtownauburncooperative.org/ ], 262 East Main Street
* Auburn Senior Activity Center [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=14939864 ], 808 Ninth Street SE

You will need to find at least ten bunnies. *In most cases, you may need to visit two or more parks to complete your scorecard.* Each bunny will have a unique number. When you find a bunny, track the corresponding number on your scorecard or tracking device. Printed scorecards are for tracking purposes only. Complete the Online Bunny Scorecard Submission Form [ https://auburn.seamlessdocs.com/f/BunnyScorecard ] (one per participant - adults too!), *which will become available on March 29.* Winners will be selected at random and announced on or before April 5.

*Please don’t take or move the bunnies from their hiding spot, so everyone can enjoy this activity and bunnies remain safe from mowers and maintenance equipment. *


2024 Peter Cotton Trail Prize Picture

*There’s an *"*eggs-citing*"* list of prizes up for grabs including*

* Two (2) Banana Blast Board Games
* Two (2) Catch Phrase Game Sets
* Two (2) Banza Jr Duck, Duck, Splash Sets
* Two (2) Family Four Packs of BRAVO tickets (compliments of Auburn Parks, Arts, & Recreation) 
* Two (2) Bocce Ball Sets
* Two (2) Jumbo Tic-Tac-Toe Sets
* Two (2) $25 Walmart Gift Card (compliments of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation)
* Four (4) Auburn Golf Course Gift Cards ($100 value each)
* Four (4) $40 Auburn Grocery Outlet Gift Cards
* Four (4) $40 Cow & Cod Gift Cards (compliments of Auburn Downtown Cooperative)
* Eight (8) Squishmallows (green frog, grey goat, blue cat, brown fox)
* Eight (8) Make & Take Kits (compliments of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreations Makerspace)
* Eight (8) $50 Haggen Gift Cards 

***Prizes must be picked up at the Auburn Community & Event Center, 910 Ninth Street SE.

*Grab your peeps and have fun searching!*


Bunny locations to be announced on Thursday, March 28 at 8 p.m.

Bunny locations will be posted to:

* City of Auburn Website at: auburnwa.gov/events [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/events ]
* Facebook: Auburn Arts & Events [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnwa.arts ] and Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation [ https://www.facebook.com/AuburnParksArtsRecreation ] Facebook pages and within Auburn's Peter Cotton Trail [ https://www.facebook.com/events/276979608385345 ] Facebook event
* Eblast subscribers: Released via e-blast to Auburn at Play e-mail subscribers [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WAAUBURN/subscriber/new ]


"Thank you to our sponsors and event contributors!"
2024 Event Sponsors

Visit our website at *auburnwa.gov/events [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/special_events ]*

*events@auburnwa.gov [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/workspaces/One.aspx?objectId=13588295&contextId=13102510 ] | 253-931-3043 *


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  • [登録者]City of Auburn
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
  • 登録日 : 2024/03/11
  • 掲載日 : 2024/03/11
  • 変更日 : 2024/03/11
  • 総閲覧数 : 174 人
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