Auburn Arts May 2024
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/04/29
- 发布日 : 2024/04/29
- 更改日期 : 2024/04/29
- 总浏览次数 : 118 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- MOM在怀孕、分娩、育儿、母乳喂养按摩和医疗方面为您提供支持。
+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
- 40 多年来,我们一直为日裔加拿大人社区提供服务。我们为老年人提供项目并培训志愿...
它是一家私人非营利性福利机构,为老年人提供一系列社会服务和文化娱乐活动。Tonari Gumi 以志愿服务精神为基础,为人们创造一个互相帮助、加深友谊的场所。它的目标是成为日经社区中一个像家一样安全的地方。
+1 (604) 687-2172Japanese Community Volunteers Association
- 对日本的国际快递服务,商业运输的采购,落货・转发服务,从日本到加拿大的运输,等等...
如果你的行李箱放不下,我们可以把它送到你在日本的家里 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo是为返回日本的客户提供的便利服务 ! 如果你在加拿大逗留期间行李增加,你考虑运送你的行李 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo使你的行李运送变得简单。OCS Otegaru Homecoming Service是一种简单的运送行李的方式。OCS将免费在您的家中取走您的行李,并将...
+1 (604) 247-2141OCS Canada
- 萨克拉门托日本人网络(Sumire Kai)是加州首府萨克拉门托唯一支持日本移民...
它成立于1991年,是亚洲社区中心的一个子组织,于2008年独立,现在是一个联邦承认的非营利组织。它是第501(c)/(04)/(04)条,2016年是其成立25周年。 支持居住在广泛地区的日本人(,包括北部的Roseville / Lincoln市,东部的Folsom市,南部的Lodi市和西部的Davis市 ) 美国公民,永久居民,国际学生和商务旅行者的家庭 / 定期会议 / 讲座 / 公告 ...
+1 (916) 296-5619Sacramento Japanese Network すみれ会
- 2月4日 新学期开学 ! 请注意 : 底特律地区没有校舍。SAPIX USA 是...
您可以在美国 ! 纽约学校 ・ 新泽西学校 ・ 曼哈顿学校可以在线上课。 由于时差,你也可以在圣何塞上课。 请注意 : 底特律地区没有学校。有纽约学校和其他在线课程。 电话号码是纽约学校的。有关信息请联系纽约学校。 招收新学生。! 请随时与我们联系 ! 还提供免费学习辅导。还开设冬季课程和入学考试预备课程 ! 新学年 ・ 2月4日((星期二))开课。 1月12日 ( 星期日...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- HIS 在全球拥有 440 个办事处,为客户提供精彩刺激的旅行 ! 我们不仅提供...
从加拿大到包括日本在内的世界各地,让我们更加享受世界吧 廉价机票、各城市酒店、JR PASS、加拿大国内外包价旅游、自选旅游等 我就知道 ・ I ・ S ! 我们提供广泛的旅行服务,包括廉价机票、飞往亚洲、欧洲和美国各城市的机票、JR 通票、日本国内航空通票、各城市的酒店、加拿大和国外的包价旅游和自费旅游等。 日语 ・ 工作人员很乐意用英语为您提供帮助。 H.I.S. Canada ...
+1 (604) 685-3524H.I.S. Canada Inc.
- 我们是一家在萨克拉门托拥有超过28年经验的护理院。我们主要关心的是日本人、日裔美...
房间是完全私人的,并且有美丽的日光 ! 膳食也提供日本食品。 我们以合理的价格支持你和你的家人的退休生活。来吧,在萨克拉门托与我们一起度过您的退休生活。
American River Care Home
- 一个代表大温哥华地区日裔加拿大人社区的非营利组织。
GVJCCA致力于保护人们的人权,特别是日裔加拿大人社区!我们的杂志,"The Bulletin"报道我们的想法。我们欢迎任何想加入我们的志愿者!我们期待着你的消息!。
+1 (604) 777-5222Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association
- 我们是一个支持同性恋者的非营利组织 ! 我们,温哥华骄傲组织,成立于 1978 ...
这是一个支持同性恋者的非营利性组织。每年八月举办的 "温哥华骄傲节"(Vancouver Pride Festival")吸引了众多游客的关注,也得到了许多企业的支持!
+1 (604) 687-0955Vancouver Pride
Auburn Arts Header
Postmark Events 2
*"SISTAHS" Opening Reception [ ]*
Thursday, May 9th | Free
5:00 - 7:00PM
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for the opening reception of "Sistahs," an exhibition curated by local artist and Auburn resident Marita Dingus!
*"Sistahs"* is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.
Paper Embroidery Christy Caravaglio
*Second Saturdays [ ]*
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for *FREE*, all ages, arts, performance, and crafts! Every Second Saturday of the month from 12-4pm.
*Guest Artist: Christy Caravaglio *will be hosting a paper embroidery craft session! Caravaglio is a fiber artist living in Kent, WA. Her designs are inspired by traditional and contemporary quilt designs as well as an artistic sense of pattern and color.
*Guest Performance:* Performing songwriter *Allison Preisinger* imbues all these realties in her work. Think Joni Mitchell meets Van Morrison with a warmth to brighten up an overcast Pacific Northwest sky. Sometimes a guitar can be a cabin in the thick woods. Sometimes a song can be a family story passed down through generations to preserve what matters.
Made possible by Auburn, Washington's Kiwanis Club!
*Date: *Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 12-4PM*
Ages: *All*
Fee: *FREE
Poetry at the Postmark
*Poetry at the Postmark [ ]
*Come to our monthly Postmark Poetry Nights! On the first Wednesday of each month the Postmark will have a lineup of featured readers followed by opportunities for open mic readers. **
*Date: *Wednesday, May 1, 6:30-8:30PM
**Susan Landgraf will be the f*eatured reader for May 1st!***
Susan Landgraf
*Featured Reader: *Past City of Auburn Poet Laureate Susan Landgraf’s Journey of Trees is forthcoming in May 2024. An Academy of American Poet Laureates award in 2020 resulted in a book of Muckleshoot Indian Tribe poetry titled A Muckleshoot Poetry Anthology At the Confluence of the Green and White Rivers published by the Washington State University Press this March.
Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers
*Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers [ ]*
Join us for FREE performances of the Seattle Opera 2024 production, "Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers". This 45-minute opera for youth audiences fuses together folktales from around the world to tell the story of Monkey and his brainy sister, Francine. The siblings must learn to cooperate to escape a hungry crocodile and outwit the greedy Lord of the Tigers. Combining multiple styles of music from Bollywood, Ethiopian jazz, Latin, and classical, this opera shares the timeless message that we all have different strengths, but when we work together, anything is possible.
*Date: *Saturday, June 1, 2024*
Ages: *All*
Fee: *FREE
*"REGISTER for Session one: 1-2PM [ ]"*
"*REGISTER for Session two: 3-4PM [ ]*"
Classes & Workshops
Watercolor and what
*Watercolor and What? [ ]*
Come try this great new class! Introduce other mediums to your watercolor painting to create interesting watermedia effects. Learn how to apply and experiment with BRUSHO, a crystal powder ink dye used on wet or dry. Enhance with watercolor pencils, sticks, crayons, pastels, bleeding tissue, and alcohol ink.
Bring regular watercolor supplies and enough paper (supply list available). Several sheets, qtr. sheet size or 11x14. Other mediums will be provided but bring anything you have that you want to try and learn how to incorporate.
*Ages:* 18+, Mixed
*Fee: *$60/$75 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor: *JoAnne Iwasaki
*Date:* Friday, May 3, 2024 | 12:00-4:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
""*Register Now! [ ]*""
Ukulele for adults
*Ukulele for Adults 2 [ ]*
The Postmark is excited to be offering a second session of Ukelele for Adults! Ukulele is a fantastic intro instrument! It’s a wonderful option for anyone wanting to have some fun making music. In this class you can expect to learn the basics of the ukulele, some popular songs, chord reading, and how to play as a group. Students should plan to bring their own ukulele (soprano or concert size) if possible. All course materials will be provided during classes.
*Ages:* 18+, Mixed*
**Fee: *$70/$88 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor: *Allison Preisinger
*Date:* Wednesday, May 8 - May 29, 2024 | 6:00-6:50PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
""*Register Now! [ ]*""
Portrait drawing
*Intro to Portrait Drawing [ ]*
Come and learn the basics of portraiture by forming the proportions of the face and plugging in features! All ages and skill levels are invited to explore drawing a proper face in this beginner class. Please bring your own paper and drawing implements.
*Ages:* 12+, Mixed
*Fee: *$16/$20 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor: *Amanda Jenkinson
*Date:* Thursday, May 16, 2024 | 5:00-7:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
*"Register Now! [ ]"*
*Intro to Guitar 1 [ ]*
This course serves as an introduction to the instrument and will provide students with instant access to making music on the guitar. In this class we will go over string tuning, and beginner chord shapes. Learn the first steps to becoming a guitarist or test your interest! Students should plan to bring their own guitar (6 string acoustic or classical) if possible.
*Ages:* 15+, Mixed
*Fee:* $20/$25 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor: *Aidyn Dervaes
*Date:* Thursday, May 23, 2024 | 5:30-7:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
*"Register Now! [ ]"*
*Intro to Guitar 2 [ ]*
This course serves as an introduction to the instrument and will provide students with an instant access to making music on the guitar. Come back for Guitar Intro II! A space to review, practice what you’ve learned, and ask questions. We will learn additional chord shapes and practice transitioning between chords. Students should plan to bring their own guitar (6 string acoustic or classical) if possible.
*Ages:* 15+, Mixed
*Fee: *$20/$25 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor: *Aidyn Dervaes
*Date:* Thursday, May 30, 2024 | 5:30-7:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
"Register Now! [ ]"
free community programming
Paper Embroidery Christy Caravaglio
*Second Saturdays [ ]*
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for *FREE*, all ages, arts, performance, and crafts! Every Second Saturday of the month from 12-4pm.
Upcoming events:
*May 11: *Artist Christy Caravaglio, Paper Embroidery | Musician Allison Preisinger, guitar performance
*June 8:* Drag story hour and bingo with Sylvia O'Stayformore | Pride month craft activity with Postmark Staff
*Date: *Every second Saturday of each Month, 12-4PM*
Ages: *All*
Fee: *FREE
Drop in drawing
*Drop-in Drawing
*Come stop by for our new Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in. Draw from a still life or the gallery, stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes! Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome.
*Ages:* Suggested 18+, Mixed
*Fee: *FREE
*Instructor:* Postmark Staff
*Dates:* Every Friday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
No need to sign up or register, just drop in!
Chinese Gongbi Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-in Painting with Amy Sie*
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome.
*Ages:* Suggested 18+, Mixed
*Fee: *FREE
*Instructor:* Amy Sie
*Dates:* Every Friday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
No need to sign up or register, just drop in!
Drop in Drawing
*Make & Mingle
*Stop by for our Artist Open Studio! Come join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on! This is a free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather. You can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art! All are welcome.
*Ages: *Suggested 18+, Mixed
*Fee: *FREE
*Instructor:* Postmark Staff
*Dates:* Every Wednesday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."
No need to sign up or register, just drop in!
Art Galleries Header
Sunnam Manuel
*Vault Gallery [ ]
**20 Auburn Ave*
Artist: *Sunnam Manuel [ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* April 10 - July 13, 2024
"Through "My World in Ink" I share how I see the world through my infatuation with the materiality of ink. My practice is strongly rooted in the cultural traditions of Korean ink painting and calligraphy. By synthesizing these centuries-old techniques with contemporary methods, through the inclusion of new motifs, unconventional compositions, and modern styles of presentation, I aim to facilitate a connection between historical visual languages, narratives, and aesthetics within the modern world. "My World in Ink" features a series of ink paintings and calligraphy made with either rice or mulberry papers. This paper was prepared through a traditional process called wet mounting, where a wheat paste or animal fat glue is applied to combine and strengthen multiple layers. This process can take up to twenty-four hours of repeated wetting and drying before resulting in a satisfactory painting surface."
Lalitha Bandaru
*Art on Main Gallery [ ]*
*East Main Street between N. Division St. and Auburn Avenue*
Artist: *Lalitha Bandaru [ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* April 8 - July 8, 2024
*We are happy to announce Lalitha Bandaru as our new Art on Main Installation artist! Bandaru aims to tackle the concept of "unfurling" and the life cycle of a butterfly. "The ‘Unfurling’ installation explores the fragility of things in nature more specifically— the metamorphosis and disappearance of the most beautiful, delicate little beings – the butterflies. Their journey from being an egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and then into a butterfly is both unique and magical and has always fascinated me." Seven painted canvas pieces will be installed draping from a center point, mimicking a butterfly that has just emerged out of its chrysalis. Says Bandaru, "I find this stage of the butterfly –where the butterfly is drying and stretching its wings – intriguing and beautiful as it is the start of its new journey of facing the challenges of the world. "
Muckleshoot Postmark Exhibition
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
"*Muckleshoot: Alive and Strong*"
Exhibition dates:* January 17th - May 1, 2024*
The Postmark Center for the Arts is proud to present ”Muckleshoot: Alive & Strong,” a group exhibition featuring artists from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. The Postmark Gallery and Vault Gallery [ ] is filled with artwork in a variety of mediums, sizes, and themes by a variety of incredibly talented artists from January 17 to May 1, 2024.
Featured artists include: Isiah Corwin, Julie James, Sam Obrovac, Kim Saladin, Tyson Simmons, Joyce Starr, Donny Stevenson, Keith Stevenson, and Gail White Eagle.
The last day to view this exhibition will be May 1, 2024.*
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
"*SISTAHS *"Curated by Marita Dingus
Exhibition dates:* May 8 - July 18, 2024*
Sistahs is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
Featured artists: Jite Agbro, Marita Dingus, Debra Harris, Brenetta Ward
Come to the *Opening Reception* on *Thursday, May 9th from 5-7PM*!
Auburn School District Art Exhibition 2023
*Auburn Community and Event Center [ ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artist:* Auburn School District Students*
Exhibition Dates:* March 8 - May 9, 2024*
On display in the Auburn Community Center Gallery will be an array of artworks created by Auburn School District Students!
The last day to view this exhibition is May 9.
Esther Loopstra
*Auburn Community and Event Center [ ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artist:* Esther Loopstra*
Exhibition Dates:* May 9 - July 11, 2024*
We are eager to introduce Esther Loopstra as the next artist on display at the Auburn Community Center Gallery! "I am a Seattle-based artist and writer whose work reflects my ongoing relationship with my body and connection to others and the natural world. Being neurodivergent, and dealing with mental health struggles, chronic illness, and disability most of my life, I have a complex relationship with my body and mind that informs my work." These mixed media paintings swirl on the canvas and freely unfold according to intuition and Loopstra's own poems. "My work takes the viewer on a passage, revealing the abstract essences and blurring the lines between our human internal systems and the nature around us."
Valentina Voronkova
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
Artist:* Valentina Voronkova [ ]*
Exhibition Dates: *March 6 - May 8, 2024*
We are happy to introduce Valentina Voronkova as our new Cheryl Sallee Gallery artist! Valentina Voronkova did not always identify as an artist. "In 1993 I moved to Seattle from St. Petersburg, Russia to study biochemistry at the UW Ph.D. program...I worked as a researcher at different companies in the biotech industry" explains Voronkova. "However by the end of my university study I became more and more fascinated with Art. In 2012 my unfinished dialog with art became very loud and I decided to leave science and continue it at the Mark O’Higgins atelier program at Gage Academy of Art, Seattle." Voronkova now participates in art programs and Plein Air groups to hone her impressionist style.
The last day to view this exhibition is May 8.
William Hanley
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
Artist: William Hanley
Exhibition Dates: *March 6 - May 8, 2024*
We are happy to introduce William Hanley as our new Cheryl Sallee Gallery artist! Hanley was born and raised in Seattle, and still resides in the Pacific Northwest. "I am a professional nature photographer who emphasizes connections between positive mental health, nature, and art." As someone who has battled depression off and on for many years, he learned that his meditative, contemplative approach to photographing nature helped to lessen sadness and promote peace within himself. He hopes that in observing his photos, the viewer may experience many of the same blessings of calm and awe that he feels during his nature walks.
Calls to Artists header
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gift Shop Artist [ ]*
The goal of the Postmark Gift Shop is to provide a platform to support local Washington State artists and create a retail destination offering a variety of unique handcrafted items for Auburn residents and visitors to enjoy.
*Eligibility:* Artists are chosen on the basis of locality, artistic excellence, innovation, variety, and price point.
*Deadline:* May 27, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ ]
*2025 Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence [ ]
*The residency lasts two months during June and July, providing the artist with a large barn as an indoor studio space, a stipend, and access to the 67-acre farm. As the Artist in Residence, the artist is responsible for leading a variety of free public programs, typically including a free community workshop, open studio days, an artist talk, and a performance at the Mary Olson Farm.
*Eligibility: *Artists who reside in Washington or Oregon working in performing arts disciplines.
*Deadline*: October 16, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ ]
*2025 Site-Specific Art Galleries [ ]*
Art on Main [ ] and Vault Gallery [ ] - Accepts applications from regional artists to install 3-dimensional or multi-media art installations in two site-specific gallery spaces in downtown Auburn: the Art on Main Gallery and the Vault Gallery. Both spaces provide an artist stipend to support the creation of new work and site-specific projects, or the installation of existing work for three-month exhibitions.
*Eligibility:* This is a call to artists residing in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon and Idaho).
*Deadline:* September 5, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ ]
*2025 Art Galleries [ ]*
Artists are selected through an annual application process for exhibitions in the Community & Event Center Gallery and Cheryl Sallee Gallery, showcasing diverse artworks by regional artists.
*Eligibility:* This is a call to artists with no geographical restriction, but all artwork must be dropped off and picked up in person in Auburn, WA on the assigned exhibition dates.
*Deadline:* September 5, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ ]
Bravo Performing Arts Header
Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers
Lights on! Stage set! BRAVO Performing Arts is ready for the Spring season! The City of Auburn is excited to present an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of the BRAVO Performing Arts Season. Check out the full schedule at [ ].
"*Upcoming Shows:*"
* Saturday, May 4 | *BRAVO Kids: Little Mermaid * [ ]| 2:00PM | Les Gove
* Friday, May 10 | *Champagne Sunday [ ]* | 7:30PM | PCA
* Saturday, May 11 | *Rhythm & Rhymes Story Hour [ ]* | 10-11AM | PCA
* Saturday, May 11 | *May Comedy at the Course [ ]* | 7:30PM | Auburn Golf Course
* Saturday, June 1 | *Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers Session 1 [ ]* | 1-2PM | PCA
* Saturday, June 1 | *Monkey and Francine in the City of Tigers Session 2 [ ]* | 3-4PM | PCA
Arts Around Auburn Header
A Little Knitty
*A Little Knitty [ ]
102 E Main Street
*A Little Knitty *offers a variety of fibers-based art classes, right in the heart of downtown Auburn! Visit their website [ ] to view a calendar of classes, drop-in sessions, and private lessons.
*May Classes:*
* Friday, May 10 | *Spring has Sprung Flower Notions Bag [ ]* | 6-8PM
* Saturday, May 11 | *Viking Knitting [ ]* | 10-1PM
* Saturday, May 11 | *Knitting in the Round* [ ] | 2-4PM
* Saturday, May 18 | *Beginning Crochet [ ]*| 10-1PM
* Saturday, May 18 | *Knitting in the Round [ ]* | 2-4PM
* Sunday, May 19 | *Carlos Herringbone Hat [ ]* | 12-3PM
Makerspace adult open craft
*Adult Open Craft Night [ ]
Thursday, May 16 | 5:30-8PM | $36/$48
*"@ the MakerSpace. [ ]"
Choose your own project at Adult Open Craft Night! Get your friends together or come on your own, choose a project and get crafting! Choose from: Travel Map, Custom Dog Leash Holder, Table Top Corn Hole game.
Register at this link. [ ]
WRVM Marita Dingus
*Where Castoffs Go to Heal and Grow: The Art of Marita Dingus [ ]
Exhibition Dates:* February 7 - May 26, 2024**
**"@ the ""White River Valley Museum. [ ]"**
**Museum Open Wednesday – Sunday, 12 – 4PM
Admission is* Free
Nationally recognized artist and Auburn native Marita Dingus is taking over the Museum! Where Castoffs Go to Heal and Grow displays over 40 pieces spanning Dingus’s career. The exquisitely upcycled assemblages range from under 1 ft to 20 ft tall. The sculptures fill the Museum’s gallery space reflecting the indoor and outdoor experience of visiting Dingus’s family home now artist studio. In the Museum’s permanent exhibits, Dingus’s work invites the visitor to contemplate what it means to see black faces in historic spaces where they have traditionally been castoff, excluded, or forgotten.
Marita Dingus
*Artist Studio Open House: Marita Dingus [ ]
Saturday, May 18 | 1-3PM | FREE
*"@ the White River Valley Museum. [ ]"*
Have you seen our exhibit Where Castoff Come to Heal and Grow? Now see the art of Marita Dingus in place during open house hours at her studio property.
*Parking will be at the Mountain View Cemetery*. A shuttle will run from the cemetery and back during open house hours.
Please *rsvp here [ ]* on the White River Valley Museum website.
WRVM Marita Dingus
*Exhibit Closing Reception: Where Castoffs go to Heal and Grow [ ]*
*Thursday, May 23 | 5-7PM | FREE
*"@ the White River Valley Museum. [ ]"*
Last Chance!
Celebrate an amazing exhibit with us, Where Castoffs Go to Heal and Grow: The Art of Marita Dingus.
Light refreshments served.
Better Postmark Header
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays and Fridays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
*Location*: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
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