News Release - City of Toronto to launch 24-hour pothole repair blitz tonight – first blitz of 2025
- [注册人]City of Toronto
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Toronto, Canada
- 注册日期 : 2025/03/14
- 发布日 : 2025/03/14
- 更改日期 : 2025/03/14
- 总浏览次数 : 4 人
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News Release
March 14, 2025
City of Toronto to launch 24-hour pothole repair blitz tonight – first blitz of 2025
The City of Toronto will launch a 24-hour pothole repair blitz tonight to help keep the city’s expressways, major roads and neighbourhood streets in a state of good repair.
Approximately 235 staff forming 73 crews will work in 12-hour shifts from 6:30 p.m. tonight to 6:30 p.m. tomorrow to repair as many potholes as possible city-wide during the City’s first pothole blitz of 2025.
Those driving or cycling are advised to expect minor delays around pothole crews and to be safe by respecting work zones and giving crews space while they make repairs.
Since January 1, the City has repaired more than 53,000 potholes – higher than average for the same period over the past four years.
City crews perform proactive daily patrols to find and repair potholes outside of the concentrated repair blitzes across Toronto. Pothole repair blitz crews comprise the same City staff who manage snow clearing and removal, street sweeping and other road maintenance and safety work.
The City applies an equity lens to pothole patrols and repairs to ensure that these are prioritized in historically underserved, low-income and vulnerable communities where the City typically receives fewer 311 Service Requests about potholes.
Residents are encouraged to report potholes by calling 311, via the 311 Toronto mobile app or online (
Did you know?
• Potholes occur when water penetrates the top layer of asphalt through cracks in the road. After the moisture freezes and expands, sections of the pavement are forced up. The weight of vehicles going over this section breaks the pavement and the asphalt is forced out.
• Potholes are normally repaired within specified service level timelines for each road classification. For instance, potholes that pose a safety hazard on an expressway or arterial road are addressed within 24 hours while non-emergency pothole repairs on the same types of roads are completed within four days.
• When there are large numbers of potholes to be repaired, they are triaged based on size, with repairs prioritized according to the City’s approved service levels.
• The City has a comprehensive pothole repair program with a Toronto City Council approved budget of approximately $5.5 million for 2025.
More information about how the City manages potholes, as well as updated data on pothole repairs, is on the City’s Potholes webpage:
Media availability:
Tomorrow, Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Davenport) will visit a pothole repair location with Barbara Gray, General Manager, Transportation Services and Vincent Sferrazza, Director, Transportation Services.
Date: Saturday, March 15
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: Rosemount Ave. between Lauder and Glenholme Avenues.
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