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Would you like to join the Goucon party? (online group blind date)
•over 60: 15:00-16:30
•under 60: 19:00-20:30
Our mission is “to provide efficient & healthy way to meet people!”
Holding is Zoom. After confirming your payment, you will receive the Zoom ID by e-mail the day before.
Fee $100
(We have refund system: If you and your partner have a good relationship after 3 weeks, we will check the progress and refund the fee.)
Please join us at Goucon!!
We'll be expecting you!!
※Our goal is for single people to find a fantastic partner with peace of mind.
Please note that it is not for picking up purposes.
Thank you!
Local | Online |
Dirección | San Jose SanFrancisco sacrament |
Fecha | 2020/10/1 - 2020/10/31 |
Tiempo | 15momento00minutos - 20momento30minutos |
Detalle de tiempo | 60歳以上15:00-16:30 60歳以下19:00-20:30 |
Acceso | |
Detalle del local |
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